When you get a chance to visit Japan, you should come to Karato Market on Kitakyushu or Shimonoseki shore excursions. Karato Market is considered the market of puffer fish, one of the most luxury Japanese dishes. Besides puffer fish, you can buy various kinds of fish at reasonable prices, which draws you to come back to the market many times.
At Karato Market – To get a buy is very simple
Karato Market is a building located in Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture and only fresh fish from the nearby port are sold in the market. At the first sight, you may think that Karato Market just only distributes seafood for professional vendors, but excepts this market. Everybody even visitors on shore trips can get a purchase at the market.If you want to gain a purchase at Karato Market easily, you need to go to the market very early in the morning or after 7:00 a.m because it’s the time vendors finished buying fish. Not only seafood, the market puts on sale other products such as vegetables, fresh flowers, and processed food as well.
Puffer Fish! A premium product but reasonable prices
Karato Market is very famous with tourists from Shimonoseki and Kitakyushu shore excursions owing to many fresh puffer fish sold. Just seeing high-quality puffer fish sold, a number of visitors wonder about its very high price, but it’s not totally true at Karato Market.You’ll be stunning by the amount of puffer fish and interested in the energetic salespeople’s voices and the rhythm of labor life in the market. You have an opportunity to taste the amazing savor of puffer fish before making a decision to buy. You must get a pay roughly 30,000 yen for a full course meal in Tokyo, however, at Karato Market, the price for puffer fish is from 1000 yen.
Beside various payments, the market also provides processed puffer fish, grilled pufferfish ate like a snack; you even make a purchase like a souvenir for family and friends after experiencing interesting day trip in Shimonoseki.